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To make the basic, To keep the basic, To Surpass the basic

About JungMin Electronics

Dear Customer;
We are very grateful that Jung Min Electronics grows consistently in the difficulties of
economic environment owing to the applaud from customer companies.

Our company makes the customer produce efficiently in high quality
and low cost using our manufacturing system without additional investment
on the manufacturing factory from customer with providing across the purchasing.
production and post management in reliability to the business providers on
the axis of R&D and sales. We are aiming at the WIN-WIN to both sides
with specialization in modern society.

We provide the electronics manufacturing service since 2004 and the best work
flow was established and operated to cope with the small quantity multi items and
consistent investment. The commissary production is available because the site is
controlled in complete separation with introduction of RoHs.

At the same time, we promise to contribute to enhance the competitiveness of customer
by supplying the best quality in exact time in low price always.

Thank you

CEO / Hyoung-hwan, jeong
상호명 : (주)정민전자 | 주소 : 경기도 부천시 오정구 석천로 397. 103동 913호(삼정동, 부천테크노파크 쌍용3차)
Tel : 032-624-2110 (代) | Fax : 070-7794-2113 | E-mail : jmesmd@naver.com
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